Cruise Ships In The Hamptons? Just When You Thought Life Out East Couldn't Get Any More Annoying

by Guest of A Guest · February 16, 2024

    Nothing swells like quite like the Hamptons during the summer season...

    Whether coming by train, plane or automobile, weekenders and city folk desperate to escape Manhattan's hot concrete flood Long Island's East End each Memorial Day weekend, kicking off a months-long exercise in traffic-filled, overpriced relaxation. But come this summer, it seems a new mode of transportation now ought to be added to that list - cruise ship.

    After much debate among locals, plans for American Cruise Lines to dock in Sag Harbor are full steam ahead. And while not exactly the biggest boat in the world - the ship will carry in just over 100 passengers, depositing them in town by 9AM for a day of onshore activities, scooping them up by 5PM (for reference the Viking ferry shuttles in 225 passengers from Block Island and New London to Montauk)- it's certainly setting a precedent the town would be foolish not to think other larger cruise companies will try to hitch a ride on.

    Next you know Gwyneth Paltrow will be bringing her Celebrity Cruises collab to the Hamptons...

    To begin, the cruise will visit Sag Harbor in the “shoulder months,” excluding weekends, twice in May, once in June, and five times in October.

    [Photo via American Cruise Lines]