Chad Muska Continues Tagging Spree, Gets Arrested By The Roosevelt

by THEO HENDRIX · July 14, 2011

    Chad Muska learned the hard way that unlike Trousdale's smoky back room, society has some standards and rules it's expected to follow, like not spray painting buildings that don't belong to you. And especially not ones on highly trafficked, visible corners of Hollywood Blvd. C'mon now...

    Last night's tags on Coffee Bean [via]

    Last night the skate legend felt the long arm of the law when he was caught by The Roosevelt security tagging his name on the Coffee Bean across the street. He's been exploring his craft more and more these days and even took it to the stairwell of Paul & Andre. Evidently he was still on one since deciding to practice his preferred art medium on the walls of Trousdale while celebrating the launch of his new Supra kicks Saturday night when he chose this particular tag site. [Left: Muska DJing at Trousdale Saturday night next to his fresh tagging]

    Video from last night's arrest after hotel security contacted law enforcement is hard to watch, especially since we like Chad and think he's a cool dude. We're not licensed detectives or anything but we have plenty of experience in the various states of tanked and, as is the case with many a tragic 2am run-in with LAPD in Hollywood, have a hunch alcohol had something to do with it.

    Chad Muska getting arrested last night in Hollywood [via]

    The Muska must be dealing with the aftermath of last night's escapades in more ways than one, and we wish him speedy recovery. Hopefully he remembers that unlike the rest of this cruel world, the fact that he's famous and a better skater than everyone else is what really matters in places like Paul & Andre and Trousdale's lawless back room.