How Coachella Weekenders Get Pleasured With Flaunt

by Courtney Ritchie · April 21, 2011

    Go HERE for more photos from "Get Pleasured" by Casino Nelson and Doug Neill!

    Personal values come into play when deciding which Coachella festivities to attend and you have to ask yourself tough questions like what kind of free stuff do I require? But when a particular party promises "three days & three nights of getting what you want", the decision process is a whole lot easier and your FOMO greatly reduced. Such was the case for Flaunt's "Get Pleasured" weekend event that was all about having fun, however party-goers defined it.

    For some, it was watching topless girls stroll around the pool at the Trousdale Estate, boobs bouncing to the beat of Prince's "Erotic City". For others, it was romping around 36 acres on an ATV while wearing a fleece onesie in 90° heat (?). For others, it was boozing and snoozing as hard as possible for 72 straight hours, like one L.A. resident who went missing mid-party, was found lying in a nearby field by a local who mistook him for a dead body, and was greeted with high-fives when he returned to the party a couple hours later. What a trooper!

    Others wanted something more material, and made sure to plunder the garage for swag from brands like Orthodox/Doppelgänger before stumbling out the door/collapsing on the living room floor at 7am.

    Some even scaled walls to get what they wanted: access to the "exclusive" gazebo in the backyard, a Black Banditz tattoo shop by day, and a super-sweaty, modern-day version of Studio 54 by night, complete with a disco ball and a giant white horse statue.

    And speaking of riding the white horse, a certain eager-nosed supermodel of the '90s came out to "Get Pleasured," along with several other celebs who've made a day job out of getting what they want.

    It was the awesomely debaucherous shitshow-for-the-ages that it had promised. Things came full circle when one member of Flaunt's editorial staff noted, approvingly, that there were “people fucking in the jacuzzi.” Um, getting pleasured, indeed.