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3rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Festival at L.A. Live
Where: L.A. LIVE Why: Nothing in the world goes together like Ireland and ice hockey*. Therefore, L.A. Live, the Staples Center, and the L.A. Kings are teaming up to present a St. Patrick's blowout that'll be so much fun that you don't bother spending too much time pondering the connection. Starting at 3 p.m., the L.A. Live space will feature live Irish music from Ken O'Malley, a beer garden, and Irish menus (and even more green beer) being served up at the various restaurants and bars in the plaza. At 5 p.m., Hollywood U2, which may hold the dual claims of being L.A.'s best and only U2 cover band, plays a set. And at 7:30 the puck drops on Kings-Predators, which should give you ample opportunity to sober up... or set up a cab ride home. [Details] [via] *note: may not actually go together
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