Kanye's Big Beige Hollywood Hills House Isn't All That

by Emily Green · May 10, 2010

    Ever wonder what Kanye West calls home when he's in L.A.? What sort of extravagant abode would be to the satisfaction of Mr. West and his massive ego? Well, we have the answer now that he just listed his Hollywood Hills home, and to say we are thoroughly underwhelmed is an understatement.

    For someone who shamelessly prides himself on his impeccable taste and keen eye for art and fashion, this 4,214 sq. foot house is nothing to write home about, save for the fact that it's controlled entirely by a computer system.  Other than that, it's just kind of... beige. It's actually quite ugly, with its minimalism and starkness interrupted only by a piece of pop art or some random decorative element like a chandelier (pretty much the only interesting thing in the whole house) or telescope.  Oh, and the fish tank wall of the bath.

    We get that he was trying to keep it sleek and modern, but the furniture choices and predominantly beige palette make this feel a little 80s, and not in a good way.

    For a rapper, this is the most boring crib we've ever seen, and much prefer the hideously tacky, grandiose furniture and features of the homes we've seen on MTV Cribs over this.  Where's the Louis Vuitton monogram bedspread? Or gilt-walled walk-in closet with a disco ball? Or way over the top purple media room with a giant sunken-in couch as its floor and animal print pillows?  You would never even know this place ever belonged to the hip hop star except for one truly amazing thing: the Sistine Chapel painting replica above his dining room table featuring his likeness in the form of an angel swooping through the center! Classic...

    [photo via] Do you think whoever is responsible for this masterpiece was dying inside when they painted it?

    [Photos via]