At Least You're Not In Jury Duty Today, Like Steve Martin

by Emily Green · December 22, 2010

    Rain got you down? Incompetent L.A. drivers got your panties in a twist? If you feel as if time is almost going backwards until you're off work for the holidays, we assure you things could be worse: you could be doing jury duty, just like Steve Martin...






    It's on par with the DMV and the Verizon/AT&T/T-Mobile store as one of the most unpleasant places on earth we spend a great deal of effort avoiding at all costs. Except jury duty is actually worse because you're not walking away with a new license or family minutes plan to show for it. In fact, you could spend days enduring the juror selection process only to be rejected as one of the jury panel members.

    So just think, this could be you:

    We have to say, if we did have jury duty, the fact that even Steve Martin couldn't get out of his civic duties today would kind of make us feel better. He actually seems to be making light of the situation:

    The whole experience would even be worth it if he reenacted the George Banks grocery store hot dog bun conniption fit from Father of the Bride. But we're going to go out on limb and say that's not happening, so hug your loved ones and be thankful you're not spending the day at the L.A. County Courthouse getting hit on by creeps wearing Tevas with socks. Mmkay?

    And just for fun, here's that hot dog bun freak out:

    [Top photo via]