Melrose Bringing A FUK U To L.A.

by guestofaguest · January 26, 2011

    From Paramount to Maxfield and all the tranny shops in between, we can always count on Melrose to rep our fine city with pride. That's why the famed avenue makes the perfect spot for a FUK U. Some true masters of nuance have staked their claim on the block for the "lingerie-love shop" with all your FUK needs and will open its doors next week.

    Some haven't taken too kindly Melrose's FUK U, and are delivering a "right back at cha" with double birds by getting L.A. City Councilmen Paul Koretz on board. This resulted in the covering of the larger than life mission statement back in November.  But with the impending opening of the shop, it looks like objecting neighbors are going to have to get used to a daily big, fat FUK U.

    So will we be getting our own FUK gear when it opens next week? You FUKing bet!

    [Photo via]