The American History: Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump When you think about movies that represent America, often, war movies come to mind. Movies that center completely on the fighting, on the men that served, on the conflict. Forrest Gump certainly has a large element of war within its story, but it also details some of the most important moments and people in America's history through video editing and the glory of Tom Hanks. Unforgettable landscape scenes that remind viewers of the beauty of our country, as well as values instilled in the heartland of America, are sure to bring pride to your heart. And although Forrest is unfortunately fictional, Forrest Gump also serves as a reminder of the greatness of America's pride and joy, Tom Hanks. 'MURICA QUOTE: "My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on." [Photo via Forrest Gump]
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