Four Nights And Days Of Glitter And Glamour In Gotham

by Rachelle Hruska · September 22, 2008

    The Animal Crackers [The Animal Crackers. Photos via JACYLN SNOW for PMc]

    What do you get when you gather up some of the finest burlesque characters in the world for four days in the greatest city in the world?  You get more glitter and glamour in Gotham than even Kenny Kenny can stand.  You get free gin and kissing booths, trannies on stage and - galore.  The NY Annual Burlesque Festival makes The Box taste like the appetizer to an ongoing feast of bosoms and bottoms, tassels and tutus.

    Sauci Calla Horra, Tanya Cheex

    More photos below:

    The Animal Crackers