Guests Go Green At The Central Park Conservancy's "Taste of Summer" Benefit

by SARAH CROW · June 4, 2009

    [Sandra Lee, Gillian Miniter. Photos by NICK HUNT for PMc and KEITH L. LEW]

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    It was easy being green at The Central Park Conservancy's "Taste of Summer" benefit on Wednesday night, where guests bid on luxury items while sampling dishes by Gordon Ramsay, Laurent Tourondel, Bill Telepan, and items from the Plaza's Oak Room. Partygoers, including PR maven Alison Brod and Conservancy President Douglas Blonsky, danced to the musical stylings of DJ Tom Finn while enjoying the Sip of Summer cocktail by Food Network host Sandra Lee. More photos below...

    Alexandra Lebenthal, Gillian Miniter, Alison Brod

    Douglas Blonsky, Tom Kempner, Terri Coppersmith, Norman Selby, Jay Mandelbaum

    Susan Shin, Suzanne Cochran

    Frederick Anderson, Alexandra Lebenthal, Douglas Hannant, Jay Diamond

    Kenny Callaghan, Danny Meyer