Members Only Jackets Are Back!

by guestofaguest · January 23, 2008

    kelli delany

    "When you put it on something happens"

    That was the popular tag line of the Members Only Jackets that gained fame in the 80s and then lost steam. Now, our new favorite person of the week, Kelli Delaney (pictured above, who also helped in US Weekly's creation), has launched a new line of Members Only Jackets. Yesterday, the official launch party took place at Henri Bendel. It was sponsored in part by that silly little hair extension company Hairdo that Jessica Simpson started with celebrity stylist Ken Paves (who was giving out stylist tips at the store). Well, now we have to decide if the new jackets, priced at a hefty $950 are worth buying, or if we should try and thrift it for an original.