
Detouring away from the deli and into a more cozy and homey seating arrangement, Kafana is an unusual Serbian restaurant. Their spinach pies and traditional phyllo cheese pies are warm, crispy, and flavorful, along with something you may not be familiar with - girice, a small fish which they deep fry, indulging you in a crunchy salty take on fries. Beverage wise, they offer Cockta, an Eastern European take on Coke with much less sugar, which is herb based. While their simple grilled meat is enjoyed by many patrons, a more unusual meat dish would be the prunes stuffed with cheese and walnuts, then rolled in bacon with chicken liver. For those with more traditional tastes, the burger is also not to miss. Live musicians also make appearances later on in the night, making this special restaurant even more intimate. Kafana 116 Avenue C [Photo via]
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