A "Euphoria" Girl

I'll be honest, I haven't watched Euphoria because I have no room in my life for more heaviness (sorry, I'm #fragile), but I hear it's a great show. And I love Zendaya and Barbie Ferreira. From what I understand, it's mostly about drugs, but one of its other most defining features is the characters' distinctly glittery, bright, bejeweled, and all-around extra AF makeup. That's easy! Just wear a mesh shirt, mini skirt, and choker with some drawn-outside-the-lines eyeshadow paired with sequins, rhinestones, or pearls, and everyone will be like, "Oooooh. Euphoria! You are SO up to date on things!" (even though, like, club kids have been doing this shit since the '80s).

[Photo via Euphoria/HBO]

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