Fade to Black

Created by Martin McLoughlin for David Burke Kitchen NYC 


0.5 oz chartreuse

1 sprig of rosemary

1.5 oz  Starr "Black Rum"*

.5 oz    ginger syrup

.25 oz  fresh lemon juice

.25 oz  fresh lime juice

.5 oz    simple syrup

Glass: Rocks 

Ice: Cube 

Method: Add Chartreuse and and rosemary to glass. In a shaker with ice, combine remaining ingredients. Shake ingredients and ignite chartreuse in glass for 10 seconds. Strain contents of shaker over flame to extinguish, fill with ice.

Garnish: Sprig of rosemary

*Starr Black Rum - dissolve 1tbsp of raw activated charcoal powder in 1 bottle of Starr Ultra Superior Light Rum (750ml)

[Photo courtesy of David Burke Kitchen NYC]

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