2. Doing static stretching as a warm-up

Doing static stretches does not count as a good warm-up.

Studies have shown that stretching before a workout impedes your performance and won't decrease your chance of injury, BU Today reports.

But there's a huge difference between static and dynamic stretching. Static stretches involve holding a position, like touching your toes, for 30 to 60 seconds. Those should be saved for after your workout since doing them beforehand could cause problems.

Personal trainer and Row House instructor Gretchen Raddatz told us a better alternative is dynamic stretching, where you repeat a specific movement 10 to 15 times, during your warm-up routine.

"You should do more motion stretches like arm circles, leg lifts, and knees to chest, but nothing with lots of jumping," she said.

Raddatz specifically recommended walkouts, where you go from a standing position to a plank by walking your body out with your hands, to get your whole body warm and ready to work.

[Photo via @fitgirlxtina]

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