Another Unsurprising Benefit Of Being Filthy Rich...

by Stephanie Maida · April 12, 2016

    Waking up to an organic, gluten-free breakfast prepared by your personal chef. Spending two hours a day working out with your personal trainer at your expensive gym. Checking in with your wait list-only skin specialists and yoga instructors and doulas. The occasional jet-off to St. Barts. Besides the obvious, that all being hopelessly luxurious and all, living as a rich American with all its benefits, vacations, and cleanses also unsurprisingly increases your lifespan. Who would have guessed? 

    According to a new piece in the New York Times, the top 1 percent among American men live 15 years longer than the poorest, while the gap for women is 10 years. The association between income and life expectancy was researched further in a study published Monday, which reveals that wealthy individuals live longer no matter where they reside, as opposed to poor Americans, whose environment could literally be a matter of life and death. Luckily for all you starving New York artists, low-income men live the longest in NYC, and for women its second only to Miami. So if you needed an excuse to come up with the next big app idea, it might just save your life. And you know, get you a few perks along the way.

    [Photo courtesy Getty]