Bird Poop Facial
Bird Poop Facial
Who wants to get shitfaced?! Probably not in the way you're thinking, though. Shizuka Day Spa has a treatment called the Geisha Facial, during which specialists who will rub Uguisu no Fun, (the fact that "no fun" is in the name should be your first warning) or Nightingale poop on your face and neck. The treatment is for lightening, brightening and balancing skin tones that have been damaged by acne or the sun. In my opinion, it's hard to justify the 180 dollar price (the fact that "no fun" is in the name should be your first warning) or Nightingale poop on your face and neck. The treatment is for lightening, brightening and balancing skin tones that have been damaged by acne or the sun. In my opinion, it's hard to justify the 180 dollar price tag when there are so many pigeons around. I'm sure if you camped out on the ground under the edge of a bridge in central park, and looked up all day you'd get the same effect.