These Fully Personalized Vitamins Are Revolutionizing The Wellness Game

by Stephanie Maida · May 21, 2019

    You know we've reached peak #wellness as a society when our vitamins are worth bragging about on Instagram. But even the trendiest daily capsules are no match for the science-backed beads set to revolutionize your routine. 

    Aptly named Rootine, these fully personalized vitamins recently launched with a 6000-person waitlist, and we can pretty much confirm that the hype was deserved. Not only are they the world's most customizable daily supplement, they're also the easiest to consume. Each chic little packet (labeled with your name, naturally) contains your full daily dose of every nutrient you need in the form of flavorless microbeads, which can be sprinkled into smoothies, acai bowls, or even dissolved in water. Good news if you hate to swallow horse pills.

    But the coolest part is just how Rootine figures out your body's exact needs. The innovative company utilizes three data points - lifestyle, genetics, and blood levels - to craft the most compatible and beneficial multi-vitamin pack for you. Seriously, did you know that some people's DNA traits can make absorbing certain vitamins totally impossible or useless? Why waste your time?

    Here's how it works: First, you take a lifestyle quiz. Then you upload your DNA results, either with Rootine's at-home kit or through any previously taken test like 23andMe or Finally, you have the option to upload a recent blood test to see what your current nutrient levels actually are. Et voilà, your one-of-a-kind packs are on their way, containing up to 18 different vitamins and minerals, from Alpha Lipoic Acid to Zinc.

    Each shipment contains 30 days' worth of packets, delivered to your door each month. And if your lifestyle or nutrient needs change, just update your profile and your Rootine will change along with you. They're basically the couture version of vitamins. 

    Go HERE to get started!

    [Photos courtesy Rootine]