Shia LaBeouf Skating Around...

by Stanely Stuyvesant · June 23, 2008


    Shia LaBeouf Transformers 2 from Stanley Stuyvesant on Vimeo. We snapped some pics of Shia LaBeouf skating around while filming parts of Transformers 2 in Princeton, NJ. Shia was jumping around and trying to olley on the grass for about 5 minutes (who knows why?!). This guy has quite the knack for Ivy League schools it seems. The library scene in the latest Indiana Jones movie took place at Yale, and now Shia's in Tigertown. We hoped to get some more pics but the security people kept yelling at us to not take pictures. Ooops!

    Shia LabeoufShia Labeouf Transformers 2