Move over Miley, Gabi Sklar is about to take over the airwaves. The 17-year-old singer and songwriter has already garnered a following with her singles "LA Changes You," and "Liberteens," an ode to reckless youth that will throw you back to high school and get you dreaming about that one crush who got away.

As we sat for coffee on a Wednesday morning at the swanky Ace Hotel in NYC, it was clear that the Long Island native was not your average teenager. Gabi began taking her career to the next level when she was just 14. So, when we were buying our first box of tampons, this girl was living between LA and New York, recording songs on the weekends. Now Gabi is in her first year at the University of Miami while juggling the ins and outs of stardom. We asked her about some of her musical influences, favorite spots in New York, and (since she's younger and hipper than us) what the cool kids deem trendy these days.

[Photos courtesy Gabi Sklar]