[Aby Rosen, Samantha Boardman Rosen. All photos by CLINT SPAULDING for PMc]
Where could we find big-time real estate man Aby Rosen last night? At the Lever House (which he owns) for a celebration in honor of the new 350 West Broadway, the new full-floor residences in SoHo. Aby, along with his wife Samantha Boardman Rosen checked out the illuminated models as well as mingled with the business savvy guests. The big elephant in the room was, of course...that the timing of the opening is well, less than festive.
More photos below...
Alberto Mugrabi, Aby Rosen Aby Rosen, Samantha Boardman Rosen
Larry Gagosian, Shala Monroque
Mary Ellen Cashman, Katie Rogers