Jamaica Bay Riding Academy

For over 30 years, Jamaica Bay Riding Academy has offered one of the premier horseback riding experiences on the East Coast. The academy is located in the Gateway National Wildlife Preserve, which consist of over 400 acres of wooded trails and three miles of beach-front riding. Whether you're starting out or have years of experience riding, Jamaica Bay accommodates everyone. Rates start at $47 for half-hour private lesson, $85 for full-hour private lesson. Lesson packages start at $470 for ten half-hour lessons and $850 for ten 60-minute sessions. Directions:Take B, Q train to Sheepshead Bay Station. Take a 5 minute taxi ride to the Riding Academy exit. Or, take L train to Rockaway Parkway Station. Take a five minute taxi ride to the Riding Academy exit. Go HERE for more info! [Photo via]
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