Independence Day, Peruvian Style: Red Hot Bash

by CHRISTINE CHUNG · July 30, 2010

    Go HERE for more photos by Sunny Norton, and tag yourself and your friends!

    It's a great American tradition to use holidays as excuses (well-warranted!) to throw epic ragers, and apparently, Peruvians are of like minds. Hudson Terrace was home to a crowded party hosted by the Red Hot Group in celebration of Peruvian Independence Day, the day Peru was emancipated from Spain many, many moons ago.-

    The night included live entertainment, icing-heavy mini cupcakes, and tons of hot Peruvians. Guests were snappily dressed, and many a patriotic, bright-red dress stood out amongst the crowd. Revelers downed a few Pisco sours… or five, all in the name of Peru!

    The super swank Hudson Terrace provided a luxe feel to the party, all sleek mahogany and panoramic wall to wall windows. Guests peered out the windows, scoping out the incredible views of the Hudson, while lounging supine on the white leather couches. an independence day nestled in the sky... the Peruvians really do party with panache.