Social Butterfly

Two days after her father was sentenced to three years in federal prison and ordered to pay a $50,000 fine, Samatha was seen attending the New York Botanical Garden’s Winter Wonderland Ball. 

Her response to those who question her socializing so soon? "I needed to do something that made me feel normal, more like myself," she told Vanity Fair. "I had people who were in my social circle asking how I could go out and show my face. I had to continue having some semblance of normalcy because my entire life was upside down. For anyone who judges me for having maintained a social life or for posting on Instagram, what use is it to judge how anyone chooses to try and make it through a hard time? I just tried to go on feeling like myself.""... stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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