Blue Smoke - Where Meat Meets Face

Blue SmokeWhat's blue smoke? When there's a new Pope? And it's a boy? Honestly, couldn't tell you. And honestly, couldn't care. It could be the strangest reference for all we care, and there'd still be no way we'd stop visiting this Danny Meyer must of a restaurant. And on this weekend of all weekends, their Southern brunch could not be more patriotic a celebration. What's more American than wiping the Pulled Pork Shoulder off your face with your Spare Ribs hands? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Though the Brisket Burnt End Sandwich, with scrambled eggs and grilled onions smashed on brioche, too has that magically American food to face mess of a process going on. Even the Corn Bread Madeleines seem devoid of any daintiness or elegance, those fresh baked seashells dunked only the stickiest of cane syrup. Blue Smoke, 255 Vesey Street [Photo via @theflatirongirl]
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