Post 9-11, New Yorkers More Resiliant Than Ever

by J. J. HUNSECKER · January 29, 2008


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    As noted by New York Times restaurant critic William Grimes, "the collapse of the World Trade Center's two towers ended an era in New York City dining" (among other things). Well a new chapter is about to be written as Windows On the World, the famous restaurant that once stood atop one of the Twin Towers, will be rising again like the Phoenix from the ashes.

    On Monday, the developers of the Freedom Tower (the new 1 World Trade Center), made a request for any interest from developers in a new restaurant on the 100 and 101st floors. This new space is set to be a whopping 34,000 square feet and feature a 360 degree view 1,250 feet above ground. Personally, this has got to be one of the strongest statements about New Yorker's character and significant evidence that hate will never triumph. Bravo!