Summer Social Photo Fun: Can You Spot These Guests?

by SUSANNAH LONG · July 16, 2010

    Time for a little Friday Photo fun. In the picture at left, can you spot the guest who got hit by a car, the one who is a dead muppet, and the one solving a difficult calculus equation? Answers below...

    A) Watching the aliens descend on the Empire State Building B) Got hit by car. Or just sartorially unique C) Solving difficult calculus equation D) Dead muppet E) Playing it cool while ex receives Lover Of The Year award

    Answers and more fun with photos below . . .

    [Photo by Mark Iantosca for Guest of a Guest]

    Previously: Independence Day Photo Fun!

    GofG wants to bring you games. To that end, feast your eyes on these crowd scenes, where all is not what it appears to be. There are randos and awesome people lurking everywhere . . .

    Fete de Swifty Kick-off Event

    [Photo by Sunny Norton for Guest of a Guest]


    A) Ravenous B) Trying to pretend to be interested; failing C) Hiding Oompa-Loompa D) Yearns to trip the light fantastic E) Young Michael J. Fox

    Frick Collection Summer Garden Party

    [Photo by Blaine Wins for Guest of a Guest]


    A) Messin' with zipper B) Pleading for extra time to unload heroin shipment C) Intensely uncomfortable D) High-fives at inappropriate times E) Merciless; attacks rivals and inept pushers with chainsaws