Drink this, not that

Gluten Free CocktailYou can still enjoy alcohol, but you need to pick your cocktail carefully. Distilled liquors – such as brandy, gin, rum, tequila, vodka and whiskey – are all gluten-free. Wine is made from fruit, and therefore, is considered gluten-free. However, as with other drinks, be sure to check that additives containing gluten haven’t been added. The same is true for wine coolers and hard ciders. On the flip side, alcohols that are not distilled, such as traditional, beers, ales, lagers and other malt beverages, do contain gluten. However, a number of premium and craft brewers have started producing gluten-free beers. If the occasion is suitable, you can even bring gluten-free beers to share. Cheers to that! [Photo via @truly_offensive_username]
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