I am not good at breakfast. In fact, if I'm being real with you, my breakfast today was 1.5 cookies and a gigantic cup of coffee. It had no antioxidants, little to no protein, minimal fiber, and way too much sugar to be an advisable start to the day. (To be fair, though, they were oatmeal cookies, so there was a little bit of health involved.)

While I'm all for eating dessert-like things for breakfast, especially on cold, gray days when it's really, really hard to get out from under my "luxe" comforter, I want to be one of those people who starts their day with an energizing breakfast. I want to be one of those people who happily blends greens into their smoothies. I want to be one of those people who preps my oatmeal the night before. I want to be one of those people who thinks ahead, plays it smart, and starts their day on a good note, instead of a rushed one.

Good news: I totally can! (And so can you. Let's do it together.) Because all it takes to become that savvy, breakfast-eating, planning-ahead person is five minutes. That sounds doable! (Now if only I could figure out how people motivate themselves to do 6 a.m. yoga.)

Words by Catherine Lamb at Food52

[Photo via Reshot]