3. Douse Those Old Flames And Light A New Fire

It's time to clear out old flames and residual love baggage. Out with the old and in with the new is an attractive and incredibly exciting mindset. Who in your life have you allowed to linger around for no real reason at all? Who doesn't serve you anymore? Who feels like a burden? Who transformed from being a crush to just a crutch? Who makes you feel used? Who is just a booty call to you (or you are to them)? Is being a booty call what you want for yourself? Is it hurting you? You can't open a new door until old doors are shut. So take some time and clear that closet of old emotional baggage as a bold step toward refreshing your love life. Why? Because you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. You deserve to love and be loved. So make some space for it, starting now!
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