3. Also, RIP Cupcakes

CrumbsAs if the death of cupcakes hasn't already been painfully noticeable thanks to the rise of their cuter, daintier confectionery brethren (we're looking at you cronuts and macarons), dessert-lovers were hit with the harsh reality last week when an NYC-favorite had the plug abruptly pulled from its lit up cupcake display. Crumbs bake shops across the city were closed within a day, prompting a foodie farewell in the form of grandiose #TBT Instagrams from an age when cupcakes were still considered #FoodPorn. Rumor has it that the future may not be so bleak, but until Crumbs gets its bailout, we'll be distracting ourselves with whatever sweet treat Smorgasburg is serving up this week. [Photo via @fortheloveoffood_]
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