Kegger Problems

In general, I've been lucky with party guests being civil and respectful.

One guy comes to mind, though. Summer 2009, big kegger at my brother's new house. Everyone is having a good time, and this one guy is having an extra good time. A drinking-straight-from-a-handle-of-Jim-Beam time. He's loud, rude, intrusive, and in general, a jackass. No big deal, he's not causing any major problems.

That is, until it was time for people to leave. He takes a long swig to finish off his half gallon of whiskey and then tells the 2 girls that rode with him that it's time to leave.

Now, my brother was fully aware of how loaded this guy was, and he wasn't going to let those two girls get into a vehicle with this dude. Skipping some name calling and other details, my brother ended up wrestling the guys' car keys from him and throwing them into the field adjacent to his house. He told the guy, "By the time you find those keys, you should be ready to drive."

The girls ended up getting a ride with someone else, and the drunk fellow ended up falling into a small ditch in between some yards, and needed help getting out. He looked like Shadow from Homeward Bound, clawing at the muddy walls of the ditch.

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