Dog Eat Dog World

My GF and I threw a BBQ this weekend. Pretty typical pot luck affair. invited some friends, co-workers, etc…

My GF is scared of dogs. It’s a phobia. Everyone we invited knows this, but we took the extra step of stating on the invite to not bring any dogs. Even if she wasn’t scared of them, my backyard isn’t gigantic and it would be crowded enough without dogs there.

After the party was well underway, someone I don’t recognize opens up the gate and asks loudly “Who likes dogs?” it was one of my GF’s coworkers. This guy was well informed of the no dogs rule before the BBQ, not only through the facebook invite, but also in person. My GF works in a small office (9 people) so her dog phobia is well known.

Turns out this dude had decided to stop by the party on the way home from the dog park and brought along his two Dobermans. This is despite the fact that he asked her on Friday if he could bring the dogs and she said no.

The very first thing he asked was if he could bring them inside. I told him absolutely not, but he could tie them to a tree in the grassy area behind the fence if he wanted. He seemed taken aback by this, which astounded me.

He pouted about the dogs not being in the yard and kept barking at them to be quiet the entire time he was there. Slowly, he snuck one into the yard while I was in the house. One of my GF’s friends gave him an earful for it, then he left in a huff 5 minutes later. The Party got significantly better after that.

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