Not So Lucky Charms

My best friend in high school and I decided to have a party at her house. Her parents were out of town on a camping trip. Somehow, word of the party got spread to a group of guys at another school and sure enough, they show up. Now where do I begin with the damage they caused? They broke everything, peed on her fan and mirror, left cigarette butts in her cereal. I vividly remember walking into the kitchen and watching them make and eat noodles and some canned food. Oh and no party can be complete without someone taking a broom and breaking the light fixture in the kitchen. The next day we decided to clean up and as for the light, we decided we would say we were in the other room and it just exploded on its own. Two minutes later the light fixture in the living room popped and randomly exploded on its own . Her parents were not happy. Those damn cigarette butts in the cereal ratted us out!

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