Fancy France for Summer? Try Out To Be A "Creamer"

by EMMA WATKINSON · April 12, 2010

    CreamersWe all might entertain dreams of spending the summer in the South of France; sunning ourselves in St. Tropez, blowing money in Monaco or cruising along the Cote Azur aboard Cavalli's yacht. Well, now's our chance. -

    An internet search will be launched this evening hunting for the perfect candidates to work in Western resort Sables-d'Olonne, just south of Brittany for the handsome sum of $1150 per week for six weeks. Excellent! When can we start?

    Though it's not St. Tropez, this idyllic seaside resort is frequented by the 'beau monde' and sun worshipping French elite. Pre-requisites for the position include being young, good looking, French speaking (now where did I put my old dictionary?) and capable of organizing beach activities. If beach activities can be extended to include heavy sangria sessions, I think I'm in with a chance. This almost sounds too good to be true. Perhaps it is.

    The 'job de l'ete'' in question is in fact to patrol the beaches and ensure everyone is all nicely creamed up. Yes, it seems the latest publicity stunt by Les Sables d'Olonne's tourism board involves recruiting young attractive people to rub sunbathers with sun lotion, protecting them from the harsh summer sun.

    Entrants are asked to prepare a 45 second video clip in which they will show why they are the most eligible for the position of beach "creamers". Whilst you might be wondering what on earth could you do on camera for 45 seconds to land the coveted position, don't let your imagination carry you too far, would you really want to spend your precious summer months trawling French beaches rubbing cream on sweaty strangers? I'm not so sure...

    If you are interested though, get clicking on where you can upload your profile and track your votes. I would hurry though if I were you. Bronzed buffs Antoine and Ercan are in the lead with 90 votes!


    [Photos via questenfrance, Lejobdelete]
