Jason Schwartzman
Jason SchwartzmanHow did you get approached for this project? Jason Schwartzman: Well, actually, it was more like I approached them. I had met Matt, we have a mutual friend named Umberto Leon, who is the owner of a store named Opening Ceremony, and I was telling him how he had to see this movie called Wild Combination, which is this documentary about a musician. And when I showed him the movie, he was like, “Oh, that’s my friend Matt! You should meet, you would get along.” We connected, and he told me about this movie, and I guess about a year later, I called him and said, “Hey, is the movie still happening? And can I help you in any way, can I be of assistance?” And that’s how I got involved. [Photo: Jon Savage, Matt Wolf, Jason Schwartzman via] What has your experience at Tribeca Film Festival been like so far? JS: I feel like all of the movies here, people are excited to see…. And because it’s in a big city, sometimes a film festival can be in a very remote place, and so there’s a feeling that it’s just about the movies. But this seems to be about arts and culture and music and people having fun. Do you have a favorite teenage memory? JS: Aren’t they both your favorite… and not? Your favorite for strange reasons? Maybe my prom date falling asleep at prom? That’s an interesting one! JS: Yeah, it’s terrible. But it’s my favorite thing that ever happened. I didn’t think that we were meant to be prom partners, so it worked out great. [Jason Schwartzman]