Twitterific Tweets

by Rachelle Hruska · September 24, 2009

    @danielshea it feels like winter. remembering how awful it is to wake up while its still so dark about 3 hours ago from TweetDeck


    @samantharonson @peeweeherman did you tell em that large marge sent you? about 4 hours ago from web in reply to peeweeherman


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    @LevenRambin Me to @Allanhyde on Britney concert: "It was like a misadventure in glamourized schizophrenia with fireworks and a leg-less woman." Bahaha about 6 hours ago from web

    @hunterfl Blame Jamie Lynn Spears!!! Ahhhaahh yikes RT @littleylittley: Can just one tv show NOT do a pregnant teen story line. I blame Juno. #Glee about 9 hours ago from TweetDeck

    @AshleySimko Out of candy and too lazy to stop working on this design to head to the deli. Instead I'm eating sugar cubes like popcorn. Toss. Toss. Toss. about 9 hours ago from web

    @CarsonGriffith Quick... Every reason you can think of why NYC is better than Boston!... As if I haven't already thought of what you're going to tell me about 10 hours ago from UberTwitter

    @sarahkunst the boys are back premiere and dinner...the movie, and clive owens, is great. about 12 hours ago from Twitta


    @dizzyblazeberg Finishing a much needed catchup dinner with @thelsd at Standard Grill, then going up to @monstermaltz's Dior party to meet @missnickyhilton. about 12 hours ago from TwitterBerry