Finding Love In A Hopeless Place: "Facebook" Club Opens In Brazil

by Courtney McGowan · January 24, 2012

    Brazil's hottest new club is "Facebook."  Located on the Amazonian bordertown of Epitaciolândia, "Facebook" is the brainchild of 30-year-old businessman Humbert Camacho- and he has thought of EVERYTHING.

    After his huge success with Insomnio, located in the Bolivian city of Cobija, Humbert is BACK, with a party that answers the question, "Paper or plastic?"

    Located on a nondescript boulevard, Facebook is nestled between a supermarket and desolate snooker hall-and there's no password, anyone can get in.  All you need to give up are your basic privacy rights.

    There's poking, sharing, serial killers, farmville, your ex-boyfriend, kitten videos on flat screen TVs, Ryan Gosling, Ed Hardy invites from promoters named Vic, people looking for sublets in Brooklyn, live streams of Scarlet taking a tumble, a guy you knew in kindergarten, Maru, arm photos, you know, that thing where you take a photo of yourself and pretend your friend just happened to be sitting like a gargoyle on your bathroom sink, and put a camera in your face? That.**

    And it doesn't. Stop. There.

    Local electro DJs will be playing hits like "Robocop Gay"  and "Celestino the Donkey" from none other than satirical 1990's Amazonian rockers The Killer Boobs.

    And, oh! Look over there! Is that Mark Zuckerberg in the corner with Gabourey Sidibe?

    No. It's not.

    Camacho explained,"So what we wanted to do was to build a nightclub with this concept, where people could come and share things with their friends, spend a cool night, sharing pictures, experiences and have fun."


    Someone hand me my human kite, I'm going to Brazil.

    [Photos via, via]

    **some creative liberties were taken for the sake of Stefon