Twitteriffic Tweets: Gen Art, Paul Rusconi, And Shark Fishing

by Chiara Atik · April 8, 2010

    @mrjoezee I tried to buy a piece by Paul Rusconi at a Phillips contemporary art auction but got outbid. So stoked he asked to shoot me for new work.

    @daniellestaub At the film festival gen art at the Zigfield. Opening night 15th year running


    @roxyolin Uhoh I just wrapped the cake I made @whitneyEVEport for tom. I hope she likes it:)


    @aosipow On my way to meet @XxPJC for the Gen Art Film Premiere for "happythankyoumoreplease." Should be fun!!


    @derekblasberg With my mom at dinner at Balthazar, trying to tell her the woman wearing Hanes sweatpants and high heels is super chic. She's not buying it

    - @harleyvnewton Went shark fishing today, @lolanewyork caught a 6ft hammerhead and a spinner shark!

    - @maliksochic My mom just asked if andy cooper was gay....this is first time she said gay like it wasn't a curse word
