Looking Bad in Newly Tagged Facebook Pictures

Looking Bad in Newly Tagged Facebook Pictures
There’s nothing worse than getting this Facebook email early on a Monday morning: [Your friend] has added 30 pictures of you to Facebook. The first problem is that the pictures were taken that past weekend, and god knows what you were doing and even more frighteningly, what you looked like. So you get the email and you freak out. You text your friend “I HATE YOU FOR ADDING THOSE PICS!!” Most likely your Facebook app won’t load fast enough (but not even the speed of light is fast enough when un-screened pictures of yourself are floating around the web), and when it does eventually load, you have no idea how to de-tag a picture on your iPhone. Obviously you drop whatever you’re doing and dash like you’re freaking Usain Bolt to the nearest computer. If you’re lucky, your elementary school crush, your best friend's mom, and your boss haven’t already liked the picture of you looking like a double-chinned troll, holding a penis-shaped shot glass. But probably you’re not lucky at all. [Photo via]
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