Signs of Early Aging? Let's Talk Sugar.

by Grace Gilbert · December 17, 2013

    Recent articles and studies have come out saying that sugar intake can be a direct cause of wrinkles. No matter the level of SPF, no matter how much you stay out of the sun, the amount of sugar you eat can contribute to a quicker aging time.  More often than not, doctors agree its better to prevent wrinkles than attempt to undo them. Therefore, women in their 20s should know how to avoid the causes and hinder the aging process.

    Of course, the minute you eat that candy cane, another worry line won't appear on your head.  The problem lies deeper.  Doctors report that sugar intake affects the collagen in your skin.  By damaging the strongest collagen, your skin tends to look dull and tired.  A diet less heavy in sugar and carbs will not only slim your waistline, but brighten your skin.

    Sugar is not completely unavoidable.   It is a central component of almost any food, including fruits and vegetables.  However, docs suggest some quick and easy ways to offset sugar's worrying effects. We all know water and sunscreen are the most obvious ways to fight early signs of aging, but what about applying lotions with vitamin C?  It helps the body protect collagen, keeping that "glowing" look that we are all after.

    With the holidays coming up, we all can expect a higher dose of sugar in our diets.  This year, just be weary about what the foods you eat are doing to your body inside and out.  No one is saying to skip the gingerbread cookies entirely, but maybe eat in moderation.  Your skin (and you) will thank yourself later.

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