"DC Cribs" Is Now A Thing

by Kyle O'Donnell · August 2, 2013

    Remember watching Cribs on MTV after soccer practice? You loved Mariah Carey's ridonkulous mansion and pretended to loath (but actually loved) Richard Branson's beach home. Well, DC just got the Cribs treatment.

    Now This News has a new feature entitled DC Cribs where they go into the homes of DC's upper crust. The first episode featured Sally Quinn, wife of former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee (who can't even say "library" correctly) and current Editor-In-Chief of On Faith, and her exquisite preppy palace.

    Some highlights include not one, but FOUR original Andy Warhol collages (all of her, of course) as well as wallpaper with gold undertones and a first edition copy of a F. Scott Fitzgerald novel.

    Nothing beats Quinn's unabashed self-importance. She name-drops like it's hot and throws around anecdotes about her life with the upper echelon like it's nothing. She is everything (and she knows it.)

    Check out the video HERE for a daily reminder of how your apartment is just not cutting it.

    [image via]