While Lounging Poolside...

by KRISTIN LUCIANO · July 31, 2009

    [Photo via Fatfreevegan] Grill this. You can cook a lot of things on the grill, but you probably never thought to cook salad on your fiery friend. We are not too sure who came up with the novel idea, but grilled romaine salad is surprisingly great tasting and easy to make. The grilling brings out a sweet taste in the vegetable and also adds a smoky note to the dish...After trying this recipe for Grilled Romaine Salad, you truly will never look at salad the same way again. Ingredients and directions, courtesy of Susanv, below...


    1 heart of romaine lettuce

    1 tsp. white balsamic vinegar

    1 tsp. sunflower seeds

    freshly ground black pepper

    DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut the romaine heart in half lengthwise. Trim the stem end a little, if you wish, but be sure not to cut too much--all the leaves need to stay attached. 2. Heat your outdoor grill to low/medium heat and spray it lightly with olive oil. 3. Place the romaine halves on the grill, flat side down. 4. Cook for about 2 or 3 minutes, until lettuce has begun to wilt and grill marks to appear; then turn over and grill for another 2 minutes. 5. Place on two plates, cut side up, and sprinkle each with 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon sunflower seeds, and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve while still warm.