6 Rising Artists Customize New Bikes At Tokyo Bike's London Launch

by Danielle Neftin · May 22, 2012

    Just when bicycle culture couldn't get any cooler, Tokyo Bike brings a trendy Japanese twist to compact bicycle designs, as their wheels are built for urban cyclists. The Japanese brand recently launched their new store in London and celebrated by releasing 6 new bicycles which were customized by 6 rising artists.

    A.Four/Lucas Price, Alex Daw, Mike Guppy, Simon Memel, Soju Tanaka, and Tom Pearson all collaborated with Tokyo Bike to help launch innovative designs that showcase cool designs like polka-dots, magazine collages, and graphics of soda bottles, cartoons, and fun shapes.

    Tokyo Bike bicycles are different from standard bikes not just because of the art collaborations, but because the bicycles themselves are smaller, have 650 mm wheels, are light, and are meant to be ridden slowly in order to better discovery the city. [ItsNiceThat]

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    [Photos via]