Little House Mayfair

Little House Mayfair
Little House Mayfair is part of the Soho House collection, but it is unique in that it is not the typical clubhouse that you have come to expect from the group. This members-only spot is - as its name suggests - little. However, what it lacks in size, it certainly makes up for in style and substance. Little House is designed with a vintage meets modern minimalist aesthetic in mind, and this theme shines through in every aspect of the house, from their New York Italian style restaurant, to their cozy drawing room where a live band plays, to their range of artwork within the club. Little House is a fantastic place to end your day or to start your night, and its convenient location in Mayfair means you do not have to travel too far to hit the city’s hottest nightclubs. Little House Mayfair 2 Queen Street, London W1J 5PA, UK Little House Mayfair [Photo via]
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