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Outstanding Drama Series
  • "Boardwalk Empire," HBO
  • "Breaking Bad", AMC
  • "Downton Abbey," PBS
  • "Game of Thrones," HBO
  • "Homeland," Showtime
  • "Mad Men," AMC
Will Win: The gang at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Campbell looks to bring a fifth consecutive victory back to Madison Avenue. There's tough competition from first-time nominees "Homeland" and "Downton Abbey" (and the well-received second seasons of "Boardwalk Empire" and "Game of Thrones" give HBO more than a puncher's chance at the title), but "Mad Men" is as good as ever (maybe better, now that Betty isn't given much to do), and the Academy should have no reason to vote against them after four straight wins... Should Win: ... but they are running out of chances to reward the amazing work on "Breaking Bad,"  a show that continues to push the boundaries of scripted television (and magnets). With only one season of Walter White left, this could be the year that the Academy decides to switch from whiskey to meth (like much of the rest of the country). [Jon Hamm via]
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