The Manhattan Project: A Time-Lapse Film Of The City

by guestofaguest · June 11, 2012

    The Manhattan Project, created by Cameron Michael, is a new time-lapse film that displays the city landscape over a five and a half month period. The video boasts gorgeous shots of NYC staples like the Brooklyn Bridge and hurried commuters in Grand Central station to cars passing by and everything in between.

    [Photo via]

    Cameron took this project to another level to try and capture the best shots for his film.

    This time-lapse production has been a wild and exhilarating ride, with a lot of physical work lugging my 120-130 pounds of gear around all of Manhattan. I bent (broke) some laws and made a ton of friends.

    We've seen quite a few time-lapse videos of New York recently, but this one takes the cake by transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

    Cameron, a professional commercial and fashion photographer, plans on building upon his project. According to his Facebook page, he is currently seeking sponsorship to create a companion film to The Manhattan Project, which he promises will be "100000X better."

    To see more of Cameron's work, visit his gallery HERE.