How To Whip Up La Mercerie's Famous Crêpe Complète

by Christie Grimm · July 21, 2020

    As the last four months has proven, there are two types of people in this world. Those who would actually endeavor to make their own bread, and those who would rather slip into a coma of boredom so deep that they may never crawl out again than tackle a sourdough.

    Regardless of which camp you fall into, I think we can all agree that everyone needs at least one super special, semi-exotic, deceptively simple recipe they can whip out of their arsenal at a moment's notice to impress. And La Mercerie's Crêpe Complète is just that! 

    If you haven't had the pleasure of tasting this dish at the gorgeous downtown spot, you've no doubt seen it pop up on your feed - each time looking more delicious than the last. For real though, has an egg ever looked cozier?

    Happy cooking!

    Crêpe Batter for 8 Crêpes:
    100 g buckwheat
    2 cups filtered cold water
    1 tbsp olive oil
    3 g salt

    Simply mix all ingredients and pass through a sieve pressing down all lumps through it.

    Crêpe Complète Recipe:
    2 oz crêpe batter
    1 tsp unsalted butter
    1 egg
    1 oz grated Comté or Swiss cheese
    1.5 oz slice of ham
    Pinch of fine sea salt
    1 tsp crème fraîche
    1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
    1 tsp chopped parsley

    Pour the 2oz of batter slowly into a hot nonstick pan for crêpe. You won’t tilt the pan as you would do with a regular crêpe batter but instead, your ladle moves as you try to pour evenly on the surface of the pan.

    Let the crêpe cook for 2 full minutes then flip and cook another 2 minutes on medium heat.
    At that point slip the butter under the crêpe and crack the egg on the edge of the crêpe. Let it cook until the egg white is halfway cooked.

    Add the cheese and let it melt. Lower your fire if necessary, meaning if you see the crêpe getting too crispy.

    Add a pinch of salt and the slice of ham.

    When the egg white is fully cooked flip both sides of the crêpe over the ham letting you see the egg yolk.

    Serve with the crème fraîche over the crêpe, the lemon juice, and the parsley.

    [Photo via]