The Best Guests Come Bearing Gifts... "Socialitopoly"

by Rachelle Hruska · July 31, 2009

    Socialitopoly. "Let's face it: the Manhattan social scene is dead in the summer as country houses beckon, and the city's fashionable people are bored during the week." So says Vanity Fair's Jessica Flint, as a selling point for playing Socialitopoly, the only Monopoly game that has properties like Surf Lodge, Rose Bar, and 740 Park Avenue as Properties. If you are sick of the Jane Ballroom (another property on the board) already, and have had more oysters at the Standard Grill (also a property) than you can stand, get your friends together for a Socialitopoly show down. Because when else will you be able to say you own your own Gulfstream V.