The New Workout Accessory That Will Have You Looking Chic & Toned

by Christie Grimm · February 1, 2019

    There's nothing quite like new workout gear. With every fresh pair of Lululemons you're basically a new person. But still, no matter how hot to trot you may look, it's easy to plateau or feel stuck in your same routine.

    In need of my own little extra boost, I am now obsessed with Bala Bangles - the world's first stylish wearable weights. Think of them as just one pound bracelets you'll be able to match to your outfit to. 

    Super comfortable, and shockingly secure (high compliment coming from a girl that's launched her fair share of leg weights across the room in classes all over this city), the bangles add a new level of resistance to any workout, increasing heart rate, burning fat, and building muscle. Which is basically just everything we all want, no?

    God knows I'm not killing myself at the gym. Four times a week I run 2 miles, do some planks, leg exercises and stretches and then am generally on my merry way. For someone who isn't the most interested in hitting the weights area, sporting Bala Bangles on top of my regular routine is the perfect extra toning touch. A small, chic addition with big results. They may each just be one pound, but trust me you'll know they're there.

    More importantly, did we mention all the colors they come in?

    [Photos via]